06/04/2020 08.00 am


The KATZ Group and Germany’s doodling king Walter Hanel cooperate for more creativity

In times of Corona everyone is looking for ways to avoid boredom in the first place. An excellent employment opportunity is the doodle coaster – a game as varied and variable as creativity itself.
Doodling is better than you think – and makes you smarter than you thought. Science has given a name to the incidental drawings that are created in schools, lecture halls or meetings: Doodles. Psychologists from the University of Sydney equipped young people in psychotherapy with pen and paper. The result: scribbling reduces stress, promotes concentration and even brings out the unconscious.
Germany’s doodling king is Walter Hanel. Since he found the German “Beer Coaster Queen” – The KATZ Group – nothing stands in the way of the triumphant procession of the doodle coaster as a game and also as an employment opportunity (if it is not to be the smartphone). The doodle coaster not only allows you to enjoy the benefits of doo-dling. According to Walter Hanel, it is also an ideal tool and toy for more creativity, com-munication and cooperation between young and old. It is a reminiscence of the old slate tablet – and therefore really nice and retro.
The beverage coaster, a quasi “gastronomic cultural asset”, meets the impression of a blackboard, chalk and a sponge as a doodle coaster. Everything is practically packed in a small slipcase. The chalk can be used to write, paint or simply doodle on the twelve black-painted doodle coasters. If you like, you can draw your own tic-tac-toe and play alone. Walter Hanel, successful book and game author had the idea for the doodle coaster in a restaurant: “I saw how a family with two children fell completely silent be-cause everyone sat at the restaurant table bent over their smartphones. It was a sad scene that I wanted to resolve,” he recalls. The beverage coasters in front of him on the table inspired him – the Internet research led him to The KATZ Group. There he found the right product, a 300-year-old company history that impressed him, and a team that inspired him: “The materials for the beverage coasters are pure spruce wood and water, and KATZ is also a role model in terms of sustainability in production.”
With Olaf Müller, Walter Hanel had a contact person at The KATZ Group who immediate-ly set product development in motion: “We quickly developed a solution for coating our groundwood board to meet the demands on the doodle coasters. Black paint and a special varnish result in a finish that allows scribbling with chalk and cleaning with a dry sponge,” explains the KATZ Sales Manager.  According to Müller, the raw material of the doodle lid does not differ from that of the beverage coaster: “Groundwood pulp board from KATZ has been produced in the middle of the Black Forest for more than 100 years. It consists of thinning wood, which the company obtains from a maximum distance of 200 km, natural starch and water.” A closed-loop recycling system, a sophisticated heat recovery system and a closed water cycle show that the subsidiary of the Koehler Paper Group from Oberkirch not only has an idea of, but also a strategy for sustainability.
For Walter Hanel, who has already placed a successful game on the market with “Im Kritzeln eine 1” (engl.: Number one in doodling), the doodle coaster is the slate tablet of the 21st century – but with more charm, creative potential and in a new guise: “On the back of the card, impulses can be written which are then converted into doodles – a wonderfully playful combination of natural material, learned format and an invitation to become creative. Scribbling as such defies any evaluation from the outset and is particu-larly fun for the children, as we have found in tests in schools and kindergartens.” And: The doodle coaster is so much fun that even the smartphone can be left alone for a while.
A box with twelve doodle coasters, chalk, sponge and instructions is available from:

Press contact

Christoph Müller-Stoffels

Koehler Paper Group
+49 7802 81-4749